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What’s hot? NFT, what else? The world is hyped over this new term for over a year now. From art to music to NFT of famous tweets, yes, you heard it right, these digital assets are being bought like a 14th-century Roman artifact.

But are NFTs worth all the hype and, well, money? Many analysts believe they won’t last long. But many NFT Experts and others claim that NFTs are here to stay and will forever transform investing. But first, what in the world is NFT? Here in this article, you will know all about NFT.

Recently “Visa said on Monday it bought a “CryptoPunk,” one of the thousands of NFT-based digital avatars, for around $150,000 in ethereum.” 

Also, who have thought of a Clipart of rock can be sold for 400 ether which has the value of  $1.3 million. Yes, this happened! So NFT is no more a joke, and it is actually a digital asset that is trending as blockchain technology. 

Also, if you are someone who is keen to learn about NFT, Top NFTs in the market, and NFT Projects, join NFT training sessions online and gain expertise in the particular field.  

Table of Contents 

  • Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
  • Difference Between Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens? 
  • Understanding NFTs
  • How do NFTs work?
  • So why is everyone going gaga over Non-Fungible Tokens?
  • What to Do with NFT?
  • How to Create Your own NFT?
  • Benefits Of NFT Certification And Industrial-Led Trainings 
  • Wrapping up

Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFT stands for Non-fungible token. 

Okay, that just complicated it further, didn’t it? No worries, keep reading.

A digital artifact that reflects real-world assets such as art, music, in-game goods, and videos is known as an NFT. They’re purchased and sold digitally, sometimes with cryptocurrency, and they’re mostly encoded with the same program as many other cryptos.

Even though they’ve been around since 2014, NFTs are gaining popularity as a more common way to purchase and sell digital art. After November 2017, a staggering amount has been invested in NFTs.

Want to become a Certified NFT Expert? Sign up to the Blockchain Councilnow!

Difference Between Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens? 

The main difference between fungible and non-fungible tokens is that fungible is interchangeable, Divisible and uniform. In comparison, NFT is non-interchangeable, non-divisible, and unique. 

  • Fungible Tokens are exchangeable with an equivalent type of tokens. Cryptocurrency and fiat currency are examples of fungible tokens. On the other hand, Non-Fungible Tokens can not be exchangeable with the same type of tokens. NFT can be an artifact, any digitally created art, etc. 
  • Fungible tokens are divisible, which means they are available in small units. For example, for buying bitcoin, it’s not necessary to buy one bitcoin. You can also buy bitcoin in small units like 0.25. In contrast, NFT is not divisible and can not be divided; if you wish to buy NFT, you need to buy a complete Token. 
  • Fungible tokens are uniform, meaning each token has the same value when they are of the same type. On the other hand, NFT is Unique; every token is created differently and is not identical to each other in any way. 
  • Another parameter by which we can differentiate the fungible and non-fungible tokes is Ethereum Token Standard. Fungible tokens standard interface is done on ERC-20, and for a non-fungible token (NFT), ERC-721 is used. 

Understanding NFTs

Cryptocurrencies, like real currency, are fungible, meaning they can be sold or exchanged for one another. One Bitcoin, for example, is still worth the same as another Bitcoin. Similarly, one Ether is equal to another unit of Ether. Cryptocurrencies are ideal for use as a stable means of exchange in the digital era because of their fungibility.

NFTs change the crypto model by making each token one-of-a-kind and irreplaceable, making it difficult to compare two non-fungible tokens. They are digital representations of properties that have been compared to digital passports, and each token has its own special, non-transferable identification that allows it to be distinguished from others. They’re also extensible, which means you can “breed” a third, special NFT by combining two NFTs.

NFTs, like Bitcoin, have ownership specifics that make it easy to identify and pass tokens between holders. In NFTs, owners have the amenity to add metadata or facets related to the asset. Fair exchange tokens, for example, may be used to represent coffee beans. Artists may also sign their multimedia artwork in the metadata with their own names.

How do NFTs work?

The bulk of NFTs are stored on the Ethereum network. The blockchain also supports certain NFTs, which store additional information that allows them to function differently. Ethereum, like bitcoin and dogecoin, is a cryptocurrency, but the blockchain frequently accepts such non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which store additional information that enables them to function differently.

Person tokens that are part of the Ethereum network that have extra information are known as NFTs. The extra content is the most important feature, as it allows them to be displayed as art, music, video (and so on) in JPGs, MP3s, photographs, GIFs, and other formats. They can be bought and sold like any other medium of art because they have value – and their value is largely dictated by supply and demand, much like physical art.

But that doesn’t suggest, in any way, that there is just one digital version of NFT art available to purchase. One can obviously replicate them, much like the art prints of originals are used, bought, and sold, but they won’t be the same value as the original one. Duplicates of NFT are still blockchain artifacts.

So why is everyone going gaga over Non-Fungible Tokens?

Non-fungible tokens are a step further from the comparatively straightforward definition of cryptocurrencies. Modern finance systems provide complex trading and leasing systems for various asset categories, including real estate, lending contracts, and artwork. Since they make digital representations of physical assets, NFTs are a move forward in reimagining this infrastructure.

To be sure, neither the concept of digital representations of tangible assets nor the use of unique identity is new. When combined with the advantages of a tamper-resistant blockchain of smart contracts, such ideas become a powerful force for transformation.

Business efficiency is perhaps the most apparent advantage of NFTs. Converting a tangible asset to a digital asset streamlines operations and eliminates intermediaries. NFTs represent digital or physical artwork on a blockchain, eliminating the involvement of any agents and enabling artists to engage directly with their viewers. They will also assist companies in expanding their activities. For example, an NFT for a designer purse will make it easier for different supply chain players to connect with it and track its provenance, production, and delivery.

Non-fungible tokens for identity management? Yes, an absolute match made in heaven. Consider the example of physical ID cards for workers in a firm, which must be shown at any point of entry and departure. It is possible to streamline the entry and exit processes for the officials by translating individual ID cards into NFTs, each with its own distinct distinguishing characteristics. NFTs may also be used for identity protection in the digital world, expanding on this usage case.

What to Do with NFT?

Now you know what is NFT and how it works, but the question is what to do with it? Honestly, it depends on whether you are an artist or a buyer, either way, you will make money out of it. 

If you are a Buyer or a Collector: 

The significant advantage of collecting NFT is that it can be utilized as any other speculative asset. Also, you will be the owner of that particular unique digital art and post it online whenever or as you like. 

If you are an Artist: 

Now you can digitally sell your artwork and gain huge profits. Also, your work can be recognized and easily accessible, but others also, once your NFT is sold. You will be getting some percentage of it as you are the actual creator of the NFT. 

Now, after talking a lot about NFT, you must be wondering about creating your own. So it’s not rocket science. You can also create your own NFT online and showcase your talent. 

How to Create Your own NFT?

There are few steps that you can take for creating an NFT. You can create any type of digital file like GIF, Image, Music file, any social link, etc. In this digitally transforming world, anything and everything can be transformed digitally. Here, NFT is a creation of a unique token that can be reproduced again and again, but the original version will be securely stored because of blockchain technology. 

To begin with, pick your item:

Design your art and create your NFT. Also, it is important to create something unique. For that, you can digitally draw and add the file to an NFT exchange platform. There anyone can buy or sell their NFTs online. You can make a set of NTF’s, and that can be added as collectible cards. 

In addition, keep some Ether:

Having some Ether or other exchangeable cryptocurrency for buying and creating the non-fungible token. You mainly required Ether (ETH) token as the Ethereum Blockchain platform is considered the most prominent marketplace for NFT. With the help of 

After that, Choose a marketplace:

As soon as you designed your NFT and have Ether handy, you can move forward to the NFT Marketplace and mint your art.  There are several platforms where you can easily list your NFT. 

Some of the Common and most used NFT marketplaces are: 

Note: Before investing your time and money into NFT, it is important to consider all the possibilities and proper knowledge about the NFT in the Ethereum Blockchain ecosystem.

To gain extensive knowledge, you can checkout Certified NFT Expert at Blockchain council. 

Benefits of NFT Certification and Instructor-Led Training

Learning is a continuous process, and every time any new technology comes, it is interesting to understand and implement it in real work. So if you are a tech geek or have a keen entrance in technology, then doing specific certification or online training will benefit your career and personal development. 

Benign a Certified NFT Expert validates the individual for having clear concepts of NFT blockchain technology. Also, you will have skills by understanding the course material, and your knowledge will be tested with the exam-based test. If you pass the test, then you are a Certified NFT Expert.

No matter if you have zero knowledge about the blockchain concepts, You will be learning about the basic of blockchain technology, ethereum, and all the necessary basic concepts will be covered. Knowing about NFT will provide you a kick start for implementing your art skills as well as technical skills in the blockchain domain.

What will you get? 

  • Experts will lead  the live training sessions
  • In-depth understanding of Non-Fungible Assests
  • Knowledge of Smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps)
  • Exploring NFT’s use-cases for best practices

In which Domains NFT Experts work? 

  • Digital Art
  • Gamming
  • Ethereum Name Service and Domains
  • Decentralized Finance
  • NFT marketplace
  • Sports
  • Fashion and many more

Wrapping up

NFTs have the potential to alter digital exclusivity and redefine digital property rights. Celebrities have started to partner with NFT ventures, and others have broken records in terms of sales. As a result, we anticipate continued NFT growth in 2021 and beyond, as well as greater integration between DeFi and NFTs, making them more liquid and valuable. To summarise, combining art and collectible attributes seems to be one of the most effective ways to draw new buyers.

Whatever anyone says, NFT is totally here to stay. They have become a new trinket for the uber-rich. And the fact that you can actually make some real money if you can successfully pull it off is a cherry on the cake. NFTs have entirely revolutionized the meaning of digital art. The way they are selling out for outstanding amounts in auctions clearly signals they will soon become a part of the art and collectibles.

To get instant updates about Blockchain Technology and learn more about online Blockchain Certifications, check out Blockchain Council.

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Hacktopia open call 2021

HACKTOPIA is een nieuw citizen science-initiatief van de stad Antwerpen en Vlaams onderzoekscentrum imec . Via deze ‘open call’ nodigen we burgers uit om  actief mee na te denken over de problematiek van wateroverlast in de stad Antwerpen. Welke uitdagingen kunnen worden aangepakt? Jullie komen zelf met het idee, wij zoeken mee naar de juiste technologie en data om de stad te ‘hacken’, bottom-up te verbeteren. Iedereen (burger) wetenschapper!


HACKTOPIA is een initiatief van de Stad Antwerpen en Vlaams onderzoekscentrum imec waarbij we burgers empoweren  om de slimme stad van morgen vorm te geven. Jij komt met het idee, wij reiken de technologie en data aan om de stad zelf te ‘hacken’.  

Deze editie van HACKTOPIA heeft als thema WATER, en dan meer bepaald de problemen en vraagstukken die hierbij komen kijken. Hevige regenval of stormweer kan een heleboel water met zich meebrengen. Misschien vind je dat klimaatadaptatie nét niet snel genoeg gaat, of heb je zelfs al een straf idee over wat een stad als Antwerpen juist nodig heeft. Zie jij de last in wateroverlast?

Imec City of Things - HACKATOPIA

Schotel ons dan jouw op te lossen watervraagstukken voor… en wie weet steken jij en Anthony Liekens  (zelfverklaarde ‘mad scientist’ met een missie: wetenschap en technologie voor iedereen toegankelijk maken) van Makerspace Antwerpen binnenkort de handen uit de mouwen om ’t stad te hacken! 

Imec City of Things - Hackatopia

Mad scientist Anthony Liekens

What the Hack?! 

Stap 1  
Je  broedt op een idee of een uitdaging die je graag aangepakt ziet.  
Waaraan moet jouw idee of uitdaging voldoen? 

  • het thema wateroverlast staat centraal 
  • het is gebaseerd op een reële nood van (de inwoners van) Antwerpen 
  • het is relevant voor een groot aantal burgers van de stad (niet enkel voor jou) 
  • er zit een innovatief en – bij voorkeur – technologisch kantje aan 
  • het is een duurzame oplossing die na afloop van het project nog een eigen leven kan leiden  

Stap 2  
Je  zendt het idee in via onderstaand formulier. We contacteren je binnen de paar dagen om een telefonisch intakegesprek met ons te voeren.  

Stap 3  
Vanaf nu wordt het echt spannend! Je wordt misschien wel geselecteerd om je concept samen met ons verder te ontwikkelen.  

Stap 4  
Jij en je eventuele mede-makers nemen deel aan een aantal  workshops  (meer info hieronder). Professionele makers van Makerspace Antwerpen en experten van onder andere imec  staan je bij met raad en daad om je idee vorm te geven en een blauwdruk te ontwikkelen .

Stap 5  
De makers gaan samen met jou aan de slag om een simulatie van je oplossing te bouwen. Dit vroege prototype gaan we dan ‘in het echt’ testen  met (eind)gebruikers.  

Stap 6  
Na een spannend jury-event wordt het beste concept uitgekozen voor een vervolgtraject. Daarbij wordt je oplossing verder uitgewerkt tot een eerste werkend prototype (proof of concept). Ben je nieuwsgierig naar wat dit juist inhoudt? Lees dan zeker ook de GitHub-pagina van Klankentappers, het winnende imec Hackable City of Things, citizen science concept uit 2019!  


  • Je schrijft je in via dit registratieformulier.
  • Bij selectie contacteren we je om een telefonisch intakegesprek in te plannen.
  • Tijdens dit gesprek evalueren we jouw idee aan de hand van de vooropgestelde selectiecriteria (zie: stap 1).
  • Na je eventuele selectie ontvang je nog een uitgebreidere briefing met wat je juist kan verwachten .


Je engageert je om bij deelname:  

  • Te werken binnen een team van minimaal 3 en maximaal 6 personen. Het team wordt na selectie gevormd door imec en stad Antwerpen op basis van gelijkaardige uitdagingen en ideeën. 
    • Deelnemers die in groep inschrijven (max. 3 personen) worden bij selectie automatisch in hetzelfde team geplaatst. 
  • Het volledige proces te doorlopen, en deel te nemen aan alle workshops.  
  • Actief bij te dragen aan het maken van het prototype en het uitvoeren van de test.  
  • Je oplossing en de data die daar eventueel uit voortvloeien open te stellen voor je medeburgers, onderzoekers en de stad. 

Wat staat je te wachten?

Gedurende het onderzoeksproject word je ondersteund door een innovatiemanager van imec en een maker van Makerspace Antwerpen. Bovendien kan je steunen op het advies van experts van stad Antwerpen, imec en eventuele derde partijen.   

De workshops vinden telkens plaats op een donderdagavond na de werkuren (met uitzondering van de testingdag), en dit op volgende data: 

  1. Ideation – probleemstelling & afbakening idee: 07/10/2021 
  2. Get out of the Building – Omgevingsscan & expertadvies: 21/10/2021 
  3. Sketch & map: 09/11/2021 
  4. Prototyping: 18/11/2021 
  5. Testing: 25/11/2021 
  6. Jury & pitch – winnaarselectie: 09/12/2021 


  • Inschrijving tot en met  27/09/2021 
  • Project loopt tot en met  december 2021


Voor meer info of vragen over HACKTOPIA kan je terecht bij   

Benieuwd naar meer?

  • Lees meer over Klankentappers, dit citizen-scienceproject wil wetenschappelijk onderbouwde geluidsmetingen betaalbaar en toegankelijk maken voor burgers.
  • Ontdek onze andere blogposts en projecten.